Biography of Ginie Sayles
Ginie Sayles is a beloved international celebrity who has appeared on "Oprah," CNN, PBS, "48 Hours," "The View," and much more.
She has been profiled in the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Cosmopolitan, the London Times, the National Enquirer, and in Fortune magazine's Billionaire issue.
She has been on "Extra!" Joan Rivers, Hard Copy, and the PBS special "Social Class In America," which was produced by Peabody Award Winners.
Ginie was interviewed as a relationship expert on Court TV by anchor Lisa Bloom, an attorney who has followed in the footsteps of her famous mother, Gloria Allred.
Born in West Texas, Ginie Sayles never dreamed she would become a best-selling author. "In fact," she says, "I had no confidence whatsoever about being able to write a book at all."
"I wanted to write books, but I was overwhelmed at the thought of trying. That is why I teach this course - to take the intimidation out of writing - and to show people how they can do it in spite of themselves.
"Students of my course do not need to have a background in writing, because I make it so easy to understand that anyone can follow my step-by-step methods."
Ginie attended college as a divorced mom on welfare and a student loan, earning a degree in English and speech.
After she became a best-selling author, Ginie donated her entire royalty on one of her books to create the Ginie Sayles Scholarship for Single Parents at a university in West Texas.
Early in her career, she handled Public Relations for a major opera company and later became a stockbroker for E.F. Hutton.
Ginie was already an author when she became well known for her book and seminar How To Marry the Rich, a book publishers requested of her for several years before she agreed.
"'How To Marry The Rich' is a career that pursued me," Ginie says, "It must have been something of a 'calling' because I never planned to teach seminars or to write books on that subject.
Ginie's work has been featured on major television shows, newspapers, and magazines all over the world - and her books have been published in several languages.
The National Writer's Association asked Ginie to present her method in California. Ginie also presented this material as part of Tony Robbins' "Dreamlife" course.
Ginie has been contacted for private consultations by many celebrities, including a Grammy award winner, by heirs and heiresses, educators from Harvard, Stanford, and Yale; business people and self-made millionaires, and professionals from all walks of life.
Ginie says, "I once took a psychology test that revealed I enjoy the success of other people. That has to be why I love giving seminars like this one. It is thrilling to see someone break through their fears and write a book!"
Ginie and Reed Sayles
Ginie and Reed Sayles have been married for over thirty years. They met in Texas. Reed spent over twenty years in the Texas oil and gas industry.
Reed and Ginie choose to spend 24 hours a day together. They agreed to this at the beginning of their marriage.
Ginie and Reed are called "the love twins" because they love to dress alike. They wear matching shirts, jackets, and slacks most of the time. For dressy occasions or when Ginie wears a skirt, they wear coordinating colors or similar fabric. This is another way they have chosen express their inward devotion and commitment to each other.
Reed says, "We don't expect other couples to live the way we do - they may have different jobs or they may need their space; but for us, being together 24 hours a day forces us to deal with any issues, resolve them quickly, and keep harmony.
"Besides, we like being together," says Reed. "Everything is more fun; and we find it makes our marriage enormously fulfilling."

"Run, Don't Walk, To This Course"
"Ginie Sayles is tremendous.
"Her techniques took my dream of writing a book and let me make it into a reality.
"Anyone who wants to be an author needs to run (not walk) to her course."
Jim Trippon, CPA
Financial Expert featured on CNN, Fox Business, and more
Author of Stay Rich Forever